Typical Pre-School Day
Daily Routine & Activities
Much of the time your child is at Pre-School is dedicated to learning through structured free-play and making their own choices about the activity they do, at certain times of the day they will be expected to join in with whole group activities. This includes taking the register in the morning, story times, morning snack and lunchtime.
Our sessions are planned so that children can choose from a range of activities, some of which are adult-led and some are child-led. A range of activities are provided throughout the day so that there is the opportunity for children to gain a variety of experiences and skills, whilst keeping them stimulated.
Every half term the planned activities are based around a different topic. This topic is incorporated into different activities such as play, art work, open discussion, story time, music etc.
​Early Years Foundation Stage
Our Pre-School reflects the principals of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). These standards ensure that children learn and develop well and are kept healthy and safe. It promotes teaching and learning to ensure children's 'school readiness' and gives children the broad range of knowledge and skills that provide the right foundation for good future progress through school life.
When your child starts Pre-School they will begin their 'Learning Journey', this is a written record which tracks their progress from starting, all the way through to their transition to school.
Food & Drink
The Pre-School promotes healthy eating and we rely on parents to support us in this.
Healthy morning and afternoon snacks are provided for the children in Pre-School and they are offered water or milk to drink. Snack times are approximately 10:15am and 3:15pm, we offer a mixture of fruit, carrot sticks and or cucumber, crackers and or bread sticks.
At lunchtime children can have either a packed lunch from home or a school lunch which can be ordered and paid for at Pre-School. A daily menu is available on request.